Dear Abram,
The weather turned cold very suddenly a couple weeks ago, and I feel like I have forgotten how to keep you busy inside the house since the weather stayed warm so late into fall this year. I also forgot how limited my options are for taking photos in our house in the winter because we just don't get the sunlight streaming in all afternoon like we do in summer.
It was a rare occasion when I let you jump on the bed for some photos and to get out some energy.

Your dad and I have been letting you help with cooking a lot lately. I love seeing how seriously you take it. You are just as cute when you are serious as when you are smiling.

And because I am short on ideas again, here are some words of your own:
Favorite food? Chicken
Favorite thing to do with Mommy? Play
Favorite song? Humpty Dumpty
Favorite movie? Iron Man
The best thing about being a kid? My love (love means that you kiss)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A chef
Best thing about school? That we get to play
What is your favorite thing for mommy or daddy to say? That they love me.
We certainly do!
You are the best, kid.
Check out the next photographer in the circle: Anne Canon Photography ~ Kansas City Photographer
Great photos and I love in his words potion
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